Praise & Worship Flags Workshop
“We will shout for joy when you are victorious and we will lift up our banners in the name of our God” — Psalm 20:5
Flags for His Kingdom workshop DVD & Blu Ray available for $29.95
Have you ever thought about why flags are waved during worship? Or wanted to learn how to wave them? We offer a half day or full day flag workshop to churches so you can come and enjoy a hands on experience in understanding the meaning of waving praise and worship flags based on scripture – it’s more powerful and meaningful than you might have imagined!
We will teach you basic flag movements to music and will supply flags for you to wave or you can bring your own. The best way to learn to wave flags is to come and experience the joy of waving them yourself. You will learn how to wave flags, why flags are waved, and when to wave them. You will learn how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit so that He can flow through you to help usher in what He wants to bring into the environment.
Even if you’re a flagger or have been to a class before, or you have never waved a flag before, we encourage you to plan a workshop for your church or ministry because we are always learning new movements and new ways to use flags as God unfolds more wisdom about this beautiful form of worship. Did you know, for example, that the Lord uses flags not only in church but outside the church as well at conferences, individual ministries, or in your own home? And for individual purposes, corporate reasons as well as for our nation? It is an ongoing journey with the Lord!
If you’d like our Praise and Worship Flags Workshop to come to your church, please give us a call so we can schedule a time that works for you. The workshop is approximately 4-6 hours (half or full day depending on your needs) and will include everything the Lord has shown us in the last 16 years about the deep and powerful meaning of flags when waved unto Him individually and corporately. That includes why flags are waved for praise and worship, spiritual warfare, the prophetic meanings of the colors of God, how to bring honor to the Lord in every environment He wants you to wave flags in, and we will show you many scriptures that address this type of worship unto the Lord. There is also a time in the workshop for impartation and activation in waving flags in worship and for hearing from Holy Spirit and what He wants to impart about His flags in worship. We do flag workshops for kids too!
We will also bring our flags, which only the Lord designs (we have the privilege of making them) and share what the images, shapes and colors mean, as well as an opportunity for anyone to purchase any of our flags.
The Lord continues to show us revelation which is always unfolding and we would be honored to share with you all He has shown us!
Here are 2 videos of the “Time of Impartation” in our Praise and Worship Flags Workshop
Here are comments from those that have taken the Praise and Worship Flags Workshop:
I attended your flag workshop and want to thank you. Your teaching is excellent and I appreciate the solid scriptural foundation you presented combined with your personal journey with flags. The teaching on the prophetic significance of colors was also helpful. I must say, though, the time of practice and impartation was really fun and seeing how different people express praise and worship with flags was really a blessing. I hope to attend another of your workshops in the future.
Bless you and your ministry, Paula T.
It might be easy to wave a flag, but if you want to worship with one that’s different. Teri is a teacher to help you understand the ministry and the tools, and by that you can show yourself approved, a workman not ashamed, accurately handling the swords (flags) of ministry.
Blessings, Hope
Teri’s workshop was so educational and confirmed what I am already experiencing in my flag worship! The handouts were great. The testimonies she and others shared were awe inspiring. Her flags were absolutely stunning and beautful!
Bless you, Virginia
The flags Teri makes and the workshop are wonderful. She brings her expertise from her fashion and textile background and shares from her heart about what the Lord has been doing in her ministry. Plus, we all get to witness and hear testimonies of what the Lord has been doing in other people’s lives with flag worship. I love testimonies about Him. She encourages everyone – the young and the more seasoned men and women to participate in this beautiful art form of worship that ministers so deeply to the Lord. Her workshops are informative, meaningful and engaging. It is a key time to meet up with other people who want to worship the Lord with flags. I am so glad that she was obedient to the Lord and started Banners for the Shepherd so long ago and also holds workshops to bring revelation of what the Lord has shown her about standard bearing.
Thank you, Allison
The Flags in Worship workshop has shifted and changed something permanently in my spirit. It wasn’t just another great conference. My spirit has been transformed in ways I have yet to fully describe, but my faith has deepened, my love and revelation of heaven have been expanded and my confidence in the promises of God has strengthened. While we were using different flags during the time of activation, I was waving the Rainbow Promises of God flag that felt light in my hands, easy to wave and I began to twirl it over my head. It became a funnel and a portal opened. I felt the presence of God and was reminded of all the promises and convenants He has given me personally. I knew instantly that they were all “Yes and Amen” and now was the time for the release of these to be seen in the natural. It was a powerful encounter. The personal impartation prior to the flag waving opened my spirit for this experience and I am eternally grateful to Teri and her team for their obedience, vulnerability and willingness to hear and impart what Holy Spirit wants for everyone. I highly encourage anyone that is experienced with flag worship to attend the workshop and I especially invite those that are curious and would like a safe place to learn, experience and be transformed by worshiping with flags.
Blessings to you, Paula F.
Flag worship brings you to another level of ministering to our Lord and bringing the atmosphere of heaven to earth! To come under Teri’s anointing to learn the purpose and power of flags is a blessing. You will be released to draw into an intimate setting with Jesus and find your personal expression of worship.
Blessings, Tina
Thank you Teri! I felt such a kindred spirit with everyone, what you were saying, what was being presented and revealed in the movements and the teaching…….which produced so much joy. I felt like a child in a candy shop! I felt freedom. Colors are like music to me. I so appreciate that someone took the time to invite me because I will never forget this workshop.
Thank you again and bless you, Helen
Attending the flag workshop was so encouraging! Listening to the testimonies of various people’s journey in worshiping with flags stirred my heart and brought tears to my eyes. Experiencing the atmosphere of joy and freedom was such a pleasure. I felt like I gave myself a precious gift by attending. I am grateful for Teri’s faithfulness in this ministry and for her prayers, wisdom, encouragement and desire to honor the Lord with excellence.
Blessing you! Laurelee
Thank you for a wonderful workshop. I so enjoyed every part of it. It is such a new season for me worshiping with flags and being with others who flag in worship was very refreshing and encouraging. I had ordered a new set of flags before the workshop and can’t quite describe how it feels to flag with my beautiful new flags. Something is different and wonderful. I’m so in awe and in love with worshiping in His presence through flags.
Blessings and gratitude, Angela
It was such an amazing experience to be introduced to this prophetic movement in flag worship. Teri Morelli led the workshop, and with Jane Lee as her assistant they guided all of us into a beautiful expression of calling Heaven down into the room. My heart has been deeply touched by this glorious way to praise and worship. Since the workshop I have had the chance to wave flags during our worship time at church and can feel God’s presence on me. Teri revealed to us that the flags are like swords in the spirit and that when we wave the flags, they clear the air of strongholds and darkness from the enemy. Flag worship creates an open Heaven for God’s light to shine down on us, for a portal to open up the realm of glory. It was a honor to be a paricipant in Teri’s class as she relayed her wisdom and experience from such a passionate love of the Lord.
Sincerely, Roxanna
The kids and the teachers had an incredible time learning how to worship with flags. You have such an amazing heart of worship to our King and we feel so honored to have had you teach our children in vacation bible camp! Thank you for the beautiful flags, your heart to teach and your encouragiing words to the teens and children. You really blew us away with your heart and revelation on worshipping the King with flags – why they are waved, how to wave them, and what the different colors represent. Thank you for planting seeds in the hearts of the next generation. It was fantastic and the kids really enjoyed the workshop.
Mark & Kara Harper, pastors at Impact Rock Church
I enjoyed the flag workshop very much. I believe Teri sets up an atmosphere of intimacy with the Lord. It’s almost like we get to cozy up into the Lord on a cold, snowy day and His embrace warms us up from deep inside. I believe Teri’s annointing in flag ministry is very special and the Lord gives her just the right songs, words and truths to relay the deep affection that comes through flag worship. Don’t miss the workshop if “deep calling to deep” is in your desires.
In Him, Donna
If you have the opportunity to take Teri’s Praise and Worship Flags Workshop…DO IT! You’ll get a Scriptural basis for flags in worship and spiritual warfare and get to see others model some of the flagging techniques the Holy Spirit has shown others. The biggest thing to realize, there is no “right or wrong” way to flag…and you’ll be encouraged to watch others and open yourself to the Holy Spirit, Who loves to enter into worship with you in this fashion. I’ve also discovered that Teri’s flags come with worship angels at no extra charge! They, too, will enter into worship with you!!!
Thanks, Carl
I loved your flags workshop. I’ve been intrigued by the flags for several years, but learned at the workshop the spiritual significance of flag waving. You wave with excellence and it’s wonderful knowing that Holy Spirit teaches you what and how to make His designs for all of us to wave. All the Scriptures referring to them, the significance of the colors and the fun of waving the flags in class enriched my understanding and deepened my desire to worship with my new flag! Thank you Teri, your class was informative, fun and enriched my life.
Fellow worshiper and friend, Lori V.
I was surprised when tears began rolling down my cheeks during the workshop. I was so touched by the incredible beauty of the flag designs, the colors, the fabrics, and the teaching. I would even go again to deepen my understanding of flags as instruments of worship. The waving of flags has it’s roots dating back to Old Testament days. Much as the Shofar is used to make announcements; banners and flags were used as instruments and visible pronouncements of things not yet seen with the physical eyes. The spiritual battle is not fought in the natural – “For our enemy is not of flesh and blood but of principalities and powers of darkness”. The battle indeed is in the spiritual realm. Going to the workshop deepened my understanding and appreciation of the use and the meaning of flags in personal and corporate worship, and spiritual warfare.
Thanks again, Suzanne
The flag workshop that Teri offers is a great way to find out what waving flags is all about. Her Holy Spirit perspective and grounding gives a great foundation in scripture and the moving of the Holy Spirit in this form of praise, worship, and intercession. Her presentation is thorough, explaining the why’s and how to’s. She brings her amazing, gorgeous, anointed flags and offers them so we can have the experience of using various ones. God has clearly led her and has anointed her to bring this form of worship to the Body of Christ in a way that is glorifying to Him. It is a privilege to sit under her guidance.
Bless you, Cheryl
Teri, just wanted to thank you for allowing God to use you and being submissive to what He’s called you to do. It was truly a blessing to me and my husband, Dennis, to experience your workshop. We love to worship and praise our King. This was a new way to bring worship into His courts with praise and thanksgiving!
Blessings, Pat
The flag workshop gave me the opportunity to see beautifully crafted worship flags, made from wonderful materials and full of amazing Godly colors. The grace with which they were waved by Teri and her team was wonderful to behold. It was a joy to see other attendees worship with flags in their very unique God-given form of praise. It was a fun day being with like-minded believers from many places in the region.
Bless you, Beverly
Teri, the Spirit was so manifest in the workshop that I sat almost in tears the whole time you were speaking. I mentioned it to my friend and she said she was also experiencing that. you were used by God to confirm and encourage me during your workshop by reinforcing prophetic words already spoken over me earlier in the year. I cannot tell you exactly what you said, I just know that it was sprinkled throughout the duration of the workshop, even to looking at our favorite colors. We had already discussed purple, but you spoke out specific attributes that God wanted to remind me of that day. Thanks for pointing out that our favorite color can change. I’ve been really drawn to aquas and teals lately which makes sense for where God has me right now.
Blessings to you and your ministry, Dallas
The things I learned from you in your workshop and what you imparted to us is priceless! Originally I attended the workshop to find out what God wanted to speak to me. I do not believe in coincidences and I knew that He divinely connected myself and my friend to your ministry. I did not come with an intention of purchasing a flag as we are walking through a financial breakthrough with God and in my flesh, I would not have thought this the best time. As we continued to worship, the presence of the Lord became so strong and the atmosphere shift was intense! That is when I saw the “Roaring Lion of Judah” flag peaking out behind the others. I cannot explain what came over me but I was drawn to that flag as if it were a giant magnet pulling me over to the table. When I am walking in my flesh I am naturally drawn to the pretty, sparkly materials in teals and turquoise and pinks or amber. Never would I have imagined that this fierce flag would be in my possession! Many breakthroughs have happened since waving my new flag. The past 2 days the Lord has given me the instruction to wave the Roaring Lion around my home in the morning while breaking the power of the enemy off my home, my neighborhood, my city and my brothers and sister in Christ! I realize the flags are a dowel with fabric but the anointing that God has transferred into these tools through your hands is extremely powerful! Thank you again for your obedience to the Lord and the gift of your ministry!!! He is truly using you as a part of His plan to bring Heaven culture to the Earth!!
Be blessed sister, Rachel